Saturday, 8 October 2011

Freedom now

Einstein said that compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe. Whilst one should not set too much store in the glib statements of Patent Office workers in most circumstance, in this particular instance he was simply wrong.

There are more powerful inevitabilities at work amongst the fates of men. As compared to the nigh insurmountable love between a husband and wife, a few cents in the dollar really has no comparison.

Newton's first law tells us that "The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body is acted upon by an external force." If the fucker hadn't spent so much time afflict his brains with alchemy or buffeting about with mathematics that would be proven more elegantly and effectively by a German shortly afterwards he might have had time to add the rather crucial addendum that:

"Once the external force is excluded the object will return to its initial trajectory leaving barely a trace that the external force had ever been applied at all."

To effect a change, a permenant change, the force must be continuously applied for a significant period. Otherwise the natural momentum of the object will return it to it's initial rut. All objects have easy paths to follow through the universe's fabric, in the end they all return to the path of least resistance.

I do not wish to follow that path. I would rather increase my energy levels and rise out of the lower valence. I want be on the outer ring, to bond with others, to be stolen by other. I wish that I could have broken her out of her existing bonds and bound myself to her. In the end, my attractive forces were low. I was pulled in, and mistook the coming together as a sign tha we were both moving in the same direction.

Everything is relative. Now I am trapped in her electron cloud unable to form a part of her and unable to escape her pull. My force is negligible and her path continues as it ever did.

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